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pre vyhľadávací výraz "P=MADARSKO"

Do We Know the Oldest Rock from the Western Carpathians at all? Kohút, Milan - Sherlock, Sarah C. - Poller, Ulrike (2005)
Lower Miocene coal measures buried by the Krupinská planina Plateau volcanics (southern Slovakia). Vass, Dionýz - Milička, Ján - Pereszlényi, Miroslav - Elečko, Michal (2005)
Minerálne zloženie a fyzikálne vlastnosti alterovaného ryolitového tufu z vybraných ložísk južnej časti Tokajských vrchov (Maďarsko). Kratochvíl, Tomáš - Šucha, Vladimír - Adamcová, Renáta - Janega, Andrej - Mátyás, Tibor (2008)
Miocene Danube Basin: Geodynamics and Depositional History. Baráth, Ivan - Nagy, Alexander (2005)
Permian Granites in the Southern Veporicum Unit (Slovak Ore Mountains). Hraško, Ľubomír - Kráľ, Ján (2005)
Surface Exposures of Pre-Mesozoic Basement in the Ipeľ Depression: Geological Structures, Polymetamorphism, and CHIME Dating of Monazite. Kováčik, Martin - Konečný, Patrik (2005)
Tectonic map of Pre-Tertiary basement at a scale 1 : 200 000. Elečko, Michal - Vass, Dionýz - Hók, Jozef (1996)
Tectonics of Gemericum (Inner Western Carpathians) - Inheritor of Complex Double-Stage Collision. Németh, Zoltán (2005)
The Turčianska Kotlina Depression an Example of the Strike-Slipe Basin. Rakús, Miloš - Hók, Jozef - Kotulová, Júlia (2005)
Unusual Subduction Mechanism Recorded in Blueschist Clasts from Creataceous Exotic Conglomerates of the Klape and Manín Units (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Western Carpathians) as Inferred from Geochemical Study. Ivan, Peter - Demko, Rastislav - Sýkora, Milan (2005)

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